Sunday, March 2, 2008

3 Weeks of Silence.....

Well, almost. I have had laryngitis following the flu for 3 weeks now. What the *&^% is that about? As someone who loves to talk, I can see how it may be hard to "rest your voice". Either way it is kinda sexy to have a raspy voice and I take some nice cough syrup with codiene at night. I am hoping to emerge from this with an American Idol worthy singing voice, but don't hold your breath!

P.S. Sorry its been so long. I started a new job, Sophie is starting a new school and I traveled to NC for the first trip away from my baby in her whole life.


hub of the house said...

shhhh! I am happy you are feeling better! you are- right??? How is your new job going?

hub of the house said...

14 days till your bday! doing anything special?

Dunaway... like Runaway, with a "D" said...

yes, i am "better", physically. i just have this sexy raspy voice that sometimes is unsexy.

Dunaway... like Runaway, with a "D" said...

birthday? well, my bday gift is a trip up to portland to see my friend march 6-10! yahoo! otherwise 32 will be uneventful, however, the world celebrates with me on march 17! slainte!

hub of the house said...

32 WILL NOT be uneventful! I may come home for beau & kim's engagement party on april 6...wew wew. can you please add my blog to yours?

Dunaway... like Runaway, with a "D" said...

i would love to add your blog but don't know how! i am blogger retarded.