**This was posted on my myspace May 22, 2006.... one of my favs**
okay, so we have this cat, sushi... long story short, we adopted her from my mom (she is about 11 yrs old). she learned how to use the doggie door for our geri dog, garth (he is 14 yrs old)... anyways, she comes in from outside apparently the other night (4:45 am) with this strange souding wail. she jumps into our bed (mind you, the baby is sleeping 3 feet away) and i am asleep and i hear this, "gross sushi, what the *&^s in your mouth?"... she jumps off and matt said it was like a mouse or something!?!?! he said (in his sleepy stupor) "lets just get it later". HELLO!!!!!! no! not only am i (a) not going to be able to sleep, (b) have a dead animal in my house to find as a surprise in a few hours, or (c) have dead animal germs for my newborn lingering around!!! so, he realized we needed to take action, and we turn on the lights and find her playing kitty soccer with a dead black BIRD! SICK!!! so he gets the shovel and hoists it over the fence into the creek, i vaccum up the feathers and change all the bedding. meanwhile, baby sophie is sleeping through the whole thing! it was a strange night.......... oh, and yes, i did bathe the cat and trap her from going out at night from now on:)
okay, so we have this cat, sushi... long story short, we adopted her from my mom (she is about 11 yrs old). she learned how to use the doggie door for our geri dog, garth (he is 14 yrs old)... anyways, she comes in from outside apparently the other night (4:45 am) with this strange souding wail. she jumps into our bed (mind you, the baby is sleeping 3 feet away) and i am asleep and i hear this, "gross sushi, what the *&^s in your mouth?"... she jumps off and matt said it was like a mouse or something!?!?! he said (in his sleepy stupor) "lets just get it later". HELLO!!!!!! no! not only am i (a) not going to be able to sleep, (b) have a dead animal in my house to find as a surprise in a few hours, or (c) have dead animal germs for my newborn lingering around!!! so, he realized we needed to take action, and we turn on the lights and find her playing kitty soccer with a dead black BIRD! SICK!!! so he gets the shovel and hoists it over the fence into the creek, i vaccum up the feathers and change all the bedding. meanwhile, baby sophie is sleeping through the whole thing! it was a strange night.......... oh, and yes, i did bathe the cat and trap her from going out at night from now on:)
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