Thursday, March 27, 2008
I see said the blind man...
I saw the most terrible thing today. I was driving down a busy street, so I couldn't just like slam on my breaks to help him.... I saw an old blind guy trip on the sidewalk! It was terrible. There was just like a little uneven part on the pavement and he just bit it! I didn't realize he was blind until I saw his big blind man walking stick fling out onto the grass. I am still so sad about this. I made the next turn, which was into my neighborhood anyways and tried to find him. Either he a) got up and walked away or b) he is still there and I just couldn't see him because of the large concrete thingy blocking my view. I hope it is "a" and I hope he is okay. See, I do nice stuff sometimes, why is my kharma so bad lately?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Durant, Oklahoma
Guess what is in Durant, Oklahoma? Not only is it the magnolia capital.... But, check this out (true story):

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Only in Oklahoma....
....will you find a pick up truck with a flat bed trailer attached parked near a field with a man in swim trunks and a woman in a bikini tanning only 6 feet off of a major intersection in tulsa! swear to EVERYTHING holy.... saw this at 61st and Mingo on Saturday! CRAZY!!! Took a pic with my camera phone for proof, but I don't know how to post it or I would. INSANE!
**This was from my Myspace blog July 9, 2007**
**This was from my Myspace blog July 9, 2007**
Avian Flu In My Bed!!!

**This was posted on my myspace May 22, 2006.... one of my favs**
okay, so we have this cat, sushi... long story short, we adopted her from my mom (she is about 11 yrs old). she learned how to use the doggie door for our geri dog, garth (he is 14 yrs old)... anyways, she comes in from outside apparently the other night (4:45 am) with this strange souding wail. she jumps into our bed (mind you, the baby is sleeping 3 feet away) and i am asleep and i hear this, "gross sushi, what the *&^s in your mouth?"... she jumps off and matt said it was like a mouse or something!?!?! he said (in his sleepy stupor) "lets just get it later". HELLO!!!!!! no! not only am i (a) not going to be able to sleep, (b) have a dead animal in my house to find as a surprise in a few hours, or (c) have dead animal germs for my newborn lingering around!!! so, he realized we needed to take action, and we turn on the lights and find her playing kitty soccer with a dead black BIRD! SICK!!! so he gets the shovel and hoists it over the fence into the creek, i vaccum up the feathers and change all the bedding. meanwhile, baby sophie is sleeping through the whole thing! it was a strange night.......... oh, and yes, i did bathe the cat and trap her from going out at night from now on:)
okay, so we have this cat, sushi... long story short, we adopted her from my mom (she is about 11 yrs old). she learned how to use the doggie door for our geri dog, garth (he is 14 yrs old)... anyways, she comes in from outside apparently the other night (4:45 am) with this strange souding wail. she jumps into our bed (mind you, the baby is sleeping 3 feet away) and i am asleep and i hear this, "gross sushi, what the *&^s in your mouth?"... she jumps off and matt said it was like a mouse or something!?!?! he said (in his sleepy stupor) "lets just get it later". HELLO!!!!!! no! not only am i (a) not going to be able to sleep, (b) have a dead animal in my house to find as a surprise in a few hours, or (c) have dead animal germs for my newborn lingering around!!! so, he realized we needed to take action, and we turn on the lights and find her playing kitty soccer with a dead black BIRD! SICK!!! so he gets the shovel and hoists it over the fence into the creek, i vaccum up the feathers and change all the bedding. meanwhile, baby sophie is sleeping through the whole thing! it was a strange night.......... oh, and yes, i did bathe the cat and trap her from going out at night from now on:)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
32 is worse than 30.
So, I have finally come to realize that I am aging. 30 didn't even phase me, I was 8 months pregnant, so the ligament pains Sophie was inflicting on me (not to mention the heartburn, etc...) kind of took my mind off of this subject. 31, I was busy with an 11 month old sweetheart. 32, I have gray hairs coming in rapidly because I have a 23 month old who makes me crazy. Not to mention the skin issues and crows feet starting to emerge.
Please know that Matt and I cannot even imagine life without her in it, but she is the essence of a "toddler". I have worked really hard for these gray hairs. Did I ever tell you that she went outside by herself a few times via the doggie door? She loved playing in the fireplace before mommy bought a screen... loves putting toys in the potty (getting better)... now she gets into the fridge and has been known to be chillaxin on the couch with a bag of grapes and american cheese slices **See previous note about IKEA. I have since purchased a handy $1.99 (with no sales tax) fridge toddler detector to keep her paws out of there**.
So, our life is kinda nuts, as you may have read in previous posts and that is only recent stuff. When I work up the energy to explain December, I will do so. Until then.... keep your feet on the groud and keep reaching for the stars! (Remember that? Casey Casom).
Please know that Matt and I cannot even imagine life without her in it, but she is the essence of a "toddler". I have worked really hard for these gray hairs. Did I ever tell you that she went outside by herself a few times via the doggie door? She loved playing in the fireplace before mommy bought a screen... loves putting toys in the potty (getting better)... now she gets into the fridge and has been known to be chillaxin on the couch with a bag of grapes and american cheese slices **See previous note about IKEA. I have since purchased a handy $1.99 (with no sales tax) fridge toddler detector to keep her paws out of there**.
So, our life is kinda nuts, as you may have read in previous posts and that is only recent stuff. When I work up the energy to explain December, I will do so. Until then.... keep your feet on the groud and keep reaching for the stars! (Remember that? Casey Casom).
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Oregon vs. Oklahoma
Okay, so I did make it to Portland, albiet a day late and an hour after originally scheduled on that day late. But hey, I made it there in one piece and not in a straight jacket, so I got that going for me. It was a great time, seeing old friends, making new, enjoying the weather, shopping, etc.
So, here are some cool things about Oregon: Its very green, in both senses of the word. Very into the environment, even their government cars are Toyota Prius Hybrids, very cool. And you wouldn't believe the green grass and trees. My friend Amber just didn't understand why that was so cool to me. Well, here in Oklahoma it gets hotter than hell and everything dies. Then it comes back and it freezes and dies, so yeah, everything turns poop brown. I much prefer the green.
Okay, so there is the ocean and the mountains and guess what? NO SALES TAX! Remind me next time to take an extra suitcase just to haul the loot (of which I paid no sales tax... currently 8.517% here in Oklahoma). When you go out in Portland, jeans and a t-shirt are just fine. That is cool. I felt very over dressed and I would have been a lot more cozy in my usual attire. My favorite thing about Portland and well, other big cities besides Tulsa.... there is an IKEA! Wow.
Just discovered my idea of heaven. This is my heaven, living in an IKEA store, eating a Big City Burrito from my fav burrito dive in Fort Collins, CO and hanging out with my daddy and whoever else has gone before me. I am serious too, there may be a massage room involved, but I guess in heaven you won't be tense or in pain, so then again, a hot tub will do:)
So, now I am back to the grind.........
So, here are some cool things about Oregon: Its very green, in both senses of the word. Very into the environment, even their government cars are Toyota Prius Hybrids, very cool. And you wouldn't believe the green grass and trees. My friend Amber just didn't understand why that was so cool to me. Well, here in Oklahoma it gets hotter than hell and everything dies. Then it comes back and it freezes and dies, so yeah, everything turns poop brown. I much prefer the green.
Okay, so there is the ocean and the mountains and guess what? NO SALES TAX! Remind me next time to take an extra suitcase just to haul the loot (of which I paid no sales tax... currently 8.517% here in Oklahoma). When you go out in Portland, jeans and a t-shirt are just fine. That is cool. I felt very over dressed and I would have been a lot more cozy in my usual attire. My favorite thing about Portland and well, other big cities besides Tulsa.... there is an IKEA! Wow.
Just discovered my idea of heaven. This is my heaven, living in an IKEA store, eating a Big City Burrito from my fav burrito dive in Fort Collins, CO and hanging out with my daddy and whoever else has gone before me. I am serious too, there may be a massage room involved, but I guess in heaven you won't be tense or in pain, so then again, a hot tub will do:)
So, now I am back to the grind.........
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Surely you can't be serious? I am serious and don't call me Shirley.
JEEZ!!!!!!!! I was finally planning a trip for once and there is bad weather in Dallas so I cannot make my connection to Portland. RATS! We better win the lottery or something. Send us some good kharma people and prayers, rub buddha's belly, pray the roasary, whatever you gotta do. Seriously. This craziness must end. But then again, it is Emily we are talking about here. That is why I had to start a blog, my luck and my life is just utterly comical. I have finally learned to see it that way. Peace out.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The *%$#subishi
So, if you know me well, you know I am driving the heck out of the ghettowagon, aka the *%$#subishi. I am proving my patience to be able to hold out for a really sweet ride that doesn't require you to pay for it until you are balding (thanks to Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University). And you may know that Richard and I have become good buddies (the dealership service guy) over the last few months, as my electrical system in my car is possessed, therefore Jim Norton and his buddies have made a a few pretty pennies from my family.
So, get this.... I made some good money today doing my yearly Kindergarten readiness testing, so life was going well when I woke up this morning! So, I am driving home on the highway and as I am talking to my bank's branch manager about the ATM dispute we filed in January (long story, maybe I will tell you later if things get resolved, right now I am still bitter) and the subsequent overdraft charges that issue produced when I hear "SCRAPEEEEEEEEEEE"! Something metal is dragging across the expressway. I promptly get off of the phone with Ms. Martinez and hope that this incident helps my pathetic plea for refunds of some of these ludicrous and wrongful charges her fine establishment had charged us:)
I pulled off onto the shoulder and get out to see the rim of my tire being the metal I was scraping, oh no. Part of the front end of my car fell off. Seriously you ask? Seriously. I now know it was a "splash guard" to protect the *%$#subishi's underbelly of important parts incase I find it necessary to go offroading. Maybe in highschool folks, but I do have a toddler now, hello, I am so beyond that:) So, I talk to my insurance friend (by the way, we have already spoken this week.... Matt wrecked our other car 2 days ago, God bless him, it was a freak accident), she tells me the number for what she says is the biggest and prettiest ad from the yellow pages for Allied Towing (highly recommend them by the way). My tow truck buddy comes along and guess what? He gets stuck in the mud on the shoulder. Apparently Broken Arrow, OK got a lot of snow the other day when the rest of the world did not. Seriously? Seriously. So, my tow truck buddy now needs a tow truck. For real guys. So, he gets a tow, then I get my tow and we go to see Richard. After I flash my charming smile, he says he can fix it really cheap (b/c Lord knows I cringe to think about putting more money into the *%$#subishi). Turns out my homie Richard did it for free and in record time, apparently all of the 4 bolts holding this very necessary part fell off. All at the same time. Right.
Thank you Jesus for making my first big vacation be tomorrow after this crazy week! Portland, Oregon, look out, I am bringing my bad luck to you!
So, get this.... I made some good money today doing my yearly Kindergarten readiness testing, so life was going well when I woke up this morning! So, I am driving home on the highway and as I am talking to my bank's branch manager about the ATM dispute we filed in January (long story, maybe I will tell you later if things get resolved, right now I am still bitter) and the subsequent overdraft charges that issue produced when I hear "SCRAPEEEEEEEEEEE"! Something metal is dragging across the expressway. I promptly get off of the phone with Ms. Martinez and hope that this incident helps my pathetic plea for refunds of some of these ludicrous and wrongful charges her fine establishment had charged us:)
I pulled off onto the shoulder and get out to see the rim of my tire being the metal I was scraping, oh no. Part of the front end of my car fell off. Seriously you ask? Seriously. I now know it was a "splash guard" to protect the *%$#subishi's underbelly of important parts incase I find it necessary to go offroading. Maybe in highschool folks, but I do have a toddler now, hello, I am so beyond that:) So, I talk to my insurance friend (by the way, we have already spoken this week.... Matt wrecked our other car 2 days ago, God bless him, it was a freak accident), she tells me the number for what she says is the biggest and prettiest ad from the yellow pages for Allied Towing (highly recommend them by the way). My tow truck buddy comes along and guess what? He gets stuck in the mud on the shoulder. Apparently Broken Arrow, OK got a lot of snow the other day when the rest of the world did not. Seriously? Seriously. So, my tow truck buddy now needs a tow truck. For real guys. So, he gets a tow, then I get my tow and we go to see Richard. After I flash my charming smile, he says he can fix it really cheap (b/c Lord knows I cringe to think about putting more money into the *%$#subishi). Turns out my homie Richard did it for free and in record time, apparently all of the 4 bolts holding this very necessary part fell off. All at the same time. Right.
Thank you Jesus for making my first big vacation be tomorrow after this crazy week! Portland, Oregon, look out, I am bringing my bad luck to you!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
3 Weeks of Silence.....
Well, almost. I have had laryngitis following the flu for 3 weeks now. What the *&^% is that about? As someone who loves to talk, I can see how it may be hard to "rest your voice". Either way it is kinda sexy to have a raspy voice and I take some nice cough syrup with codiene at night. I am hoping to emerge from this with an American Idol worthy singing voice, but don't hold your breath!
P.S. Sorry its been so long. I started a new job, Sophie is starting a new school and I traveled to NC for the first trip away from my baby in her whole life.
P.S. Sorry its been so long. I started a new job, Sophie is starting a new school and I traveled to NC for the first trip away from my baby in her whole life.
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